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Grief Coaching: Life after loss

You may grieve about many things in life, most of all, however, when a loved one has left you. Your bereavement is accompanied by a huge pain. You are hit in your deepest self. Who are you without this man, this woman? 

Do you suppress you grief, because it is a taboo? Are you unpractised in grieving? Today it is not uncommon that you have to "function" again after just a few weeks. However, your grief takes time! And it wants to be seen! You may grieve. Your often contradicting feelings have to be seen and acknowledged!

Still, one day you have to be able to bid farewell to your grief. Only you know when that day comes. It is the goal of your grief work to find a new basis for your life and yourself without the person you have lost. Something new may be born!

As your coach I will help you!

Contact me for an orientation interview:


I have written a book about this topic: "Trauern als Chance." You can get more information at: Coaching Bücher. However, currently this book is only available in German.

Barbara Stieghan